Baby & Kids - Hoodie

The Baby Hai Iris Hoodie Set is designed for outdoor activities, it’s equipped with a hood, Moms don’t need to worry about your little one being exposed to the heat of the sun when doing activities in the sun.
The shirt has embroidery on the chest and the trousers have the same embroidered accent as the shirt so they are suitable when worn as a set and remain elegant when worn separately.

Iris Set - Light Pink

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Pink

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Fuchsia Pink

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Mint Green

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Matcha Green

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Forest Green

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Baby Blue

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Sapphire Blue

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Navy Blue

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Cream

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Khaki

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Brown

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

Iris Set - Light Pink

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

Iris Set - Pink

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

Iris Set - Fuchsia Pink

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

Iris Set - Mint Green

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

Iris Set - Matcha Green

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

Iris Set - Forest Green

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

Iris Set - Baby Blue

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

Iris Set - Sapphire Blue

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

Iris Set - Navy Blue

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

Iris Set - Cream

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

Iris Set - Khaki

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

Iris Set - Brown

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

BooBoo Friends - Cute Teddy

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

BooBoo Friends - Baby Panda

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

BooBoo Friends - Blue Sky

Short Sleeve – Short Pants

BooBoo Friends - Cute Teddy

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

BooBoo Friends - Baby Panda

Long Sleeve – Long Pants

BooBoo Friends - Blue Sky

Long Sleeve – Long Pants